
Idelya Survival

Minecraft server

Server page

This server is archived because it has been inactive for too long.

Server Characteristics

1 votes
1172 clicks

Server with public access


Idelya Survival offers you the possibility to create YOUR own survival, with your world, your nether, your end, your resources, in short your totally dedicated world.

Like if you were on your own server, Idelya Survival allows you to invite your friends so that they can help you in your survival. Some modifications in the game mechanics are possible (pvp mode, rain, difficulty ...).

To start playing

Nothing could be easier! Open your Minecraft (premium only) in version 1.16 or later and add our server survival.idelya.net

Once on our server you will have to choose between different survival servers:

  • If you want to join a community, ask your friend which server he is on to access it. Your friend will have to invite you by doing the command /c invite <username>.
  • If you want to create your community, choose a server with free places and type the command /c create <community name>.


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