Easily find a Frostline Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
View more articles Last article posted: Adding Frostline for DayZ (posted on 10/31/2024)
View the latest servers Last Dayz server registered: Badgers PVE Achievements/Bitcoin/DH/DNA/Heli/Drugs / Bosses / Custom Workbench ,Clothing,Weapons (registered on 03/25/2025)
Here is where your server would be positioned if you choose to subscribe to this premium offer.
EU | PS | Winters Grip | Sakhal | PVE
Terje Syberia medical and skills Chernarus with Seasons Radiation zones Hardcore++ Inventory space Improved Zombie AI Custom POIs Crafting Loose ammo piles No pristine loot
A Very balanced server that combines PVP and PVE. Active Admins , organized discord , join now and let your Dayz Experience Start.