Easily find a Conan Exiles server on Top-Games thanks to our Conan Exiles server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
We are working hard to build a community for people who want to enjoy Conan in a relaxed way. -PvP Hours (no Building damage): Mondays till Saturdays from 6pm till 12pm (Berlin CET)
The Lore is Broken. Will you rise in this new age of war? Discord: https://discord.gg/7KstwskKCf Mod Collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1261931524
High fantasy text-based dice rp server with custom lore and open to community feedback for improvement. Erp is welcome but not focused on and there is a massive amount of PVE content for the PVE...
The RP-PVP map of our Erotic Sin server cluster. Savage is a brutal challenging map
An (E)RP based servercluster of several servers. Savage Sapphire Siptah Exiled
The Saga is an adult-only (+18) Role-play (RP) server focused on high fantasy with creatures and entities inspired by D&D and Conan Lore.
HYBORIAN WARS all welcome! Isle of Siptah, PvP, raid times for competitive players with work schedules, active Admins/Moderators for reporting exploiters/cheaters. Discord Redimerel#7437 for more...
Exiled Legends è un server di gioco di ruolo (roleplay) ambientato nell'universo selvaggio e brutale di Conan Exiles.
Players are rewarded with in-game currency for actively roleplaying and engaging with other players. Clans and solo story-tellers are also rewarded with currency for hosting events and roleplay.