Easily find a Conan Exiles server on Top-Games thanks to our Conan Exiles server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Moontide Exiled / Siptah, Server transfer enabled, no ping to allow ppl from all over to play, no decay, no wipe, x3 xp for fast startup and Harvest varies according to the moon phase from 1x-6x.
x10 rates PvE server with mods
[TBA] 18+ Low-Fantasy Conan Lore RP-PvE
HYBORIAN WARS all welcome! Isle of Siptah, PvP, raid times for competitive players with work schedules, active Admins/Moderators for reporting exploiters/cheaters. Discord Redimerel#7437 for more...
RP, ERP, Game Play. On our server you can found EEWA, RE, EE, DD, TW. You can have your own slaves and do with them what you wish. We have few rules. Server for Europe and USA, main language -...
Thoth-Amon’s Land RP/PVE: A Conan Lore Compliant Server set in Savage Wilds
The RP map of our Erotic Sin server cluster. Sapphire is large and beautiful
The most popular real PVE-C server. A Vanilla+ server with very light mods and active admins that support free speech.
We are working hard to build a community for people who want to enjoy Conan in a relaxed way. -PvP Hours (no Building damage): Mondays till Saturdays from 6pm till 12pm (Berlin CET)