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The Lore is Broken. Will you rise in this new age of war? Discord: https://discord.gg/7KstwskKCf Mod Collection: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1261931524
Exiled Legends è un server di gioco di ruolo (roleplay) ambientato nell'universo selvaggio e brutale di Conan Exiles.
Beyond the Road of Kings is a strict Robert E. Howard roleplay server using the excellent Savage Wilds map to represent areas of Argos, the Barachan Isle, Akhet Isle in Stygia, Shem, Nordheim and...
The home of Erotic Sin. Conan with slight fantasy elements. ERP/PVE/Slaver
We are working hard to build a community for people who want to enjoy Conan in a relaxed way. -PvP Hours (no Building damage): Mondays till Saturdays from 6pm till 12pm (Berlin CET)
Players are rewarded with in-game currency for actively roleplaying and engaging with other players. Clans and solo story-tellers are also rewarded with currency for hosting events and roleplay.
Moontide Exiled / Siptah, Server transfer enabled, no ping to allow ppl from all over to play, no decay, no wipe, x3 xp for fast startup and Harvest varies according to the moon phase from 1x-6x.
The Saga is an adult-only (+18) Role-play (RP) server focused on high fantasy with creatures and entities inspired by D&D and Conan Lore.
The most popular real PVE-C server. A Vanilla+ server with very light mods and active admins that support free speech.
- x2.5 Rate Harvesting -Sorcery allowed. -Fighting on the horse allowed. -PvP Building always allowed. -Low Ping -English and Turkish Support -Various surprise events for the players