
Mysteries of Álfheimr

Conan Exiles server

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2 votes
2012 clicks

Server with public access


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"Resulting on a war between Titania and Mab the lands of Alfheimr are a desolated battlefield, the land bare and destroyed from the countless battles it witnessed. However, even from the ashes of war a new sapling can bloom. The very Mother Tree formed your body and soul, releasing you into a world worthy of restoration. Will you be the one to bring peace to this land? Or will you become a ruler worthy of legends? The choice is yours to make!"

The "Mysteries of Álfheimr"-server is an Adult-oriented [18+] Roleplay-Server, focusing on ancient legends and myths surrounding the isles of Tir Na Nog, while allowing for a wide variety of character development.  By combining D&D-like aspects with our unique system to create kingdoms, claim tiles and even rage wars we are creating a unique experiences for all player bases. You want to become a ruler of an empire? Sure! Just build up your clan, gain enough members and claim the lands you desire. You want to form a cult of crazed people? Go right ahead! Use the magic system we have on our server to destroy your enemies and please your deity.

If we have piqued your interest and you would like to check us out here is a general list of content we will offer you before and upon release;

✅ Read through our **intensive lore**, ranging from racial lore to lore about important figures, organisations and much more.

✅ Create a **consent sheet** to your liking, which covers a wide range of likes and dislikes.

✅ Enjoy our **RR-Dice System with D&D-like features** and an **integrated system for magic and special abilities**, which are tied to our server lore.

✅ **Create your own kingdoms and empires** and form alliances or rage wars against one another. The world is truly yours to claim!

✅ An **immersive spawn city**, which allows for interactions between players, NPCs and Event Characters.

✅ Explore the vast lands of **Tir Na Nog and the Underdark**, granting you plenty of space to build your clan.

✅ Enjoy the **flexible build limits** of the server. The bigger your clan becomes the more land you can claim and the more you can build.

✅ Interact with **Points of Interest all over the map**. Find unique areas, which are filled with magic, find ruins, which contain treasures, and much more!

✅ ...**And much more** for you to enjoy!


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