Let the chance choose for you, and discover random Conan Exiles servers classified randomly by our hands.
Hello! New server RP-PVP in exiled map !
HYBORIAN WARS all welcome! Isle of Siptah, PvP, raid times for competitive players with work schedules, active Admins/Moderators for reporting exploiters/cheaters. Discord Redimerel#7437 for more...
Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the Exiled Lands, you'll find a welcoming and supportive environment here. Our server is built on the principles of fairness, cooperation, and fun!
20 Slots 18+ Play styles: ERP RP PVE AOC/EEWA
The RP-PVP map of our Erotic Sin server cluster. Savage is a brutal challenging map
- x2.5 Rate Harvesting -Sorcery allowed. -Fighting on the horse allowed. -PvP Building always allowed. -Low Ping -English and Turkish Support -Various surprise events for the players
x10 rates PvE server with mods
Mods propios, Mazmorras y profesiones personalizadas, misiones diarias para conseguir oro, y mucho mas.
[Eu] *PvP\E* | *Gathering resources, experience x2* | *no drop on death* | *player not in world while logged out* | *No Wipe* | *Adult 18+* | ~ Join us on Discord for more information. Have a good...