Server with public access
For anyone out there looking for a server to actually grind on come check out BS Survival.
A few things we offer is:
There are a few traders around the map hunting,fishing, a mechanic shop for those who can’t drive and a drug trader to earn some extra cash.
We have also added a few older style weapons to add a little more than just the vanilla style guns.
We have a new clothing mod that offers more slots from a jacket slot all the way down to amazing retexture beards
This server is PVE/PVP we encourage everyone to play how they would like but advise working together as it is tougher than your average loot simulator but not hard to the point of it being a dying simulator.
If you have made it this far down the post and anything in here has caught your attention feel free to join the discord for more server info,rules and much more.
I hope to see you out there and I hope you enjoy the server.