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Short description here, just testing the API
Dedicated server. Lightly-modded with more loot and traders, plus some QoL improvements!
PC - DEER ISLE MAP, Airdrops, DNA Keycards, Basic Territories, CodeLock, CannabisPlus, Drugs PLUS, Equipment System, RFFS Helicopters, gebsfish, TheDarkHorde, SNAFU Weapons and many more
???? x20 loot ???? Spawn Loadout ???? Custom weapon / armor ???? Sleeping bag ???? Airdrop Event ???? Armored Vehicle ???? Decreased Zombies ???? Armed Bandits ???? SafeZones ???? Trade ????...
First person PVP server. Raiding only on weekends 16-23 (GMC+1). Everything is translated into english. Who we are? Friendly community, based in Czechia. Come check us out!
A calm PVE server intended for multicultural gameplay with loads of different crafts for bases and cannabis agriculture for selling on black market to get better stuff.
After the End is a surviving/hunting server.50kstart PvE-PvP zones. Vechicles/build anywhere/Airdrops/unli stam/Trader/...
WEEKEND RAIDING DeerIsle PvE With PVP zones Looking for a server Look no further if you're looking for a survival experience hunting, weed growing, and vehicles along with helis, BBP
This is a high loot high car count server with a very high tick rate (over 1000).
Hello, I would like to introduce a nice new server. Please join my discord and server and give me feedback see you at the server