Easily find a Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our Dayz server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Second Chance Server Is a PvP PvE Server with traders helis blackmarket and much more come check us out
• More dangerous nights • Traders • BBP • Hunting (cryptids too), fishing, looting, gunrunning, farming, P2P trading, weed • Underground bases • Helis •...
Salutare, serverul este unul modat. O investite major de 1.000 de lire doar in moduri private. Va asteptam pe serverul nostru de discord.
PC|France based(English spoken Server!)|Chernarus+ Specs : 40 Slots/Extreme machine/Nvme/Highest Prio' Unique one of a kind "Community Center" : Traders Camp A.R.C.C missions/quests.. a new Bunker...
Hardcore Survival Extensive medical system AI system based on the lore Skill system Many custom locations Lots of custom mechanics for an immersive experience First Person No traders No Gucci
RP server with a growing community and active admins. Primarily PvE/RP with KOS Zones. Drug running Cartel's to Chernarus PD; mercenaries and your survivalists can be found among the community....
Discord Raid Alarm Bitcoin Helis Keycards Koth Missions Treasures Airdrops Fridays 6 hour raid
Moded DayZ server, without traders
Start in Chernarus, then travel to Namalsk and back for more challenges and enhanced loot, Hardcore Survival, PvE with PvP locations, server/player traders, RaG, increased Infected and animal spawns
Server from the creator of BearIsland which is a DayZ map base on a location in Finland, with a lot of islands to explore.