Easily find a Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our Dayz server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
This is my description! :)
DayZ Romania vanilla server survival , hardcore , pvp , pve , comunitate , dayz romania standalone server , dayz romania , dayz standalone ro , dayz sa romania , vanilla+ , vanillaplus , nomods
The Asylum brings a NEW twist and a whole NEW gameplay experience to the best sandbox game around. With "Locations" completel Customized to a differnet level of dayz creations
Hello everyone, if you want a True Vanilla Experience consider to come play with us!
Nordic Nemesis is a fight to survive server, based on the map Sakhal, fight the toughness of the environment and zombies, while trying to fight players. Join in and have fun.
Explore custom cars, RFFS helis, unique locations like oil rigs and bunkers, advanced crafting and recycling, mining, radiation zones, DNA keycards, custom zombies, Med Plus, and upcoming quests.
The Olss | DayZ server focused on PVP and base raids. 80 slots, C4/saw raids, toxic zones with tier 4 loot, 10-seat raid truck. Raids: 12 PM to midnight (weekdays), Friday noon to Sunday midnight....
* Chernarus * UK Server * PVE * 21+ Only * Full Cars * Boosted Loot * Trader Bot * In Game Trader * Bunkers * Build Anywhere * 30K Starter Cash New & Experienced Players Welcome
An exclusive mapping, modded helicopters and cars, base spawning, skin system, zombie hordes, airdrops, KOTH (King of the Hill), keycard system, black market, modded weapons and armor,drugs..