Easily find a Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our Dayz server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Deer Isle | Party system | and more fun!
Welcome to the fresh wipe of DeathZone UK! You can now start as equal as everyone else! DZUK has been wiped 3-4 days ago so you won't lose anything as a headstart.
A server constantly improving with stable hosting (OVH server paid annually)! If you're looking for a server that's neither too difficult nor too easy, you're in the right place!
DayZ Romania vanilla server survival , hardcore , pvp , pve , comunitate , dayz romania standalone server , dayz romania , dayz standalone ro , dayz sa romania , vanilla+ , vanillaplus , nomods
Some of our key features: Events, Killfeed, Raid weekend, Airdrops, Special Airdrops, Build anywhere & infinite stammina, Base ping & Group System, Active Admins, Friendly Community,
• More dangerous nights • Traders • BBP • Hunting (cryptids too), fishing, looting, gunrunning, farming, P2P trading, weed • Underground bases • Helis •...
We are a slightly modified Sakhal vanilla server.
We are a slightly modified vanilla server. We have no modded weapons or gear. We are the vanilla experience you initially fell in love with.
HavenZ Offers Both PvE and Fights Against AIs in Heli Crashes and in Black Market. Our main objective is to have fun and make sure at the end of the day everyone leave happyly and enjoyed.
A bunker with flying planes event, events that are ufo that sucks you up and kills you if you get too close, plane crashes that appear in and out like heli crashes. Friendly admins who teach.Raid...