Easily find a Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our Dayz server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Welcome to our modded DayZ Server Economy: Between Medium & Hard The server is Hosted in Germany
Server from the creator of BearIsland which is a DayZ map base on a location in Finland, with a lot of islands to explore.
1000x is a fast paced kill on sight PVP server for Xbox
Mods: - Autorun - Unlimited Stamina - No Vehicle Damage - Pristine Repair - Party System - CodeLock Keine Trader und kein Geld System, zudem wurde der Lootspawn deutlich erhöht
The Olss | DayZ server focused on PVP and base raids. 80 slots, C4/saw raids, toxic zones with tier 4 loot, 10-seat raid truck. Raids: 12 PM to midnight (weekdays), Friday noon to Sunday midnight....
Join Our Brand New HolyDayZ Server!
High FPS & Really good ping Cars Group system (5max) Loot Chests Heli Crashes Toxic Zones and just a lot more coming soon
Its a Full PVP Server
Rejoignez GolmonCity aujourd'hui et découvrez l'excitation d'une survie en constante évolution.
-Trader with and without safezone. -Custom Military and also other modded Areas. -Loot/Weapon ++ -Cars/Helis+ -Koth, Airdrops, -Custom Toxic zones -Only Door raid (C4) possible only on weekends.