Easily find a PVP Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
Willkommen auf Dead Horizon! Überlebe im eisigen Chernarus mit Fahrzeugen, Helis, Airdrops, Trader, Waffen und Rüstung. Entdecke das neue Krasno Airfield und gehe in die geheimen Bunker auf...
A strong focus on intense organic pvp, survival and challenging game play we combine the raw beauty of Bitterroot and with vanilla vibes.
DARK PROJECT [FRESH WIPE] DE/ENG • DayZ Expansion • MMG • SNAFU • Angepasster Loot • Quality of Life
Наш сервер дотримується принципу модернізування ігрового процесу без втручання в основні механіки гри....
PvE, PVP zones, raid once per month mods: BBP, Paragon, SNAFU, Gold items, Farming mod, Bee keeping mod, Bit Coin, Paid car mods, nissan 350Z, range Rovers, Golf GTI, Subaru Impreza, 6x6 Trucks,...
First person PVP server. Raiding only on weekends 16-23 (GMC+1). Everything is translated into english. Who we are? Friendly community, based in Czechia. Come check us out!
LUX Map. Spawn in a desolate Vault 2 Years after the initial outbreak, escape the QZ. New Server with custom assets.
Deer Isle | Party system | and more fun!
- Reversed Map (North T1, South T4) - PVP - Custom Mapping - Traders - BBP - Custom Vehicles - Active Admins - Good Community - Exciting Events
Welcome to the fresh wipe of DeathZone UK! You can now start as equal as everyone else! DZUK has been wiped 3-4 days ago so you won't lose anything as a headstart.