Easily find a Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our Dayz server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Well balanced PvP server, not overly modded, great community/admins/moderators. Chernaurus: PvP focused server with custom locations, airdrops, heli crashes and random trainwrecks. Events and...
First person PVP server. Raiding only on weekends 16-23 (GMC+1). Everything is translated into english. Who we are? Friendly community, based in Czechia. Come check us out!
Join Our Brand New HolyDayZ Server!
We are a slightly modified vanilla server on Deer Isle
MODS: BaseBuildingPlus, CF, Cl0uds military gear, Code Lock, Mortys Weapons, VanillaPlusPlusMap, VPPAdminTolls
Full PvE || Missions || Hardcore || Limited Trader || Black Market || Cars+ || Loot +
1000x|PVE is a console pve server with enhanced environments to increase the chance of survival
Welcome to the fresh wipe of DeathZone UK! You can now start as equal as everyone else! DZUK has been wiped 3-4 days ago so you won't lose anything as a headstart.
the best light modded server with more of a vanilla feel
PC - DEER ISLE MAP, Airdrops, DNA Keycards, Basic Territories, CodeLock, CannabisPlus, Drugs PLUS, Equipment System, RFFS Helicopters, gebsfish, TheDarkHorde, SNAFU Weapons and many more