Easily find a PVP Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
Spawn at Loot Shacks High Pop PVP Kill on Sight Server
[EU] RaidOrDie 3PP|PVP|Ultra Custom|Loot+|Traders+|Guns++|Storage|SAFE
Join Our Brand New HolyDayZ Server!
MODS: BaseBuildingPlus, CF, Cl0uds military gear, Code Lock, Mortys Weapons, VanillaPlusPlusMap, VPPAdminTolls
Well balanced PvP server, not overly modded, great community/admins/moderators. Chernaurus: PvP focused server with custom locations, airdrops, heli crashes and random trainwrecks. Events and...
First person PVP server. Raiding only on weekends 16-23 (GMC+1). Everything is translated into english. Who we are? Friendly community, based in Czechia. Come check us out!
We are a slightly modified vanilla server on Deer Isle
Welcome to the fresh wipe of DeathZone UK! You can now start as equal as everyone else! DZUK has been wiped 3-4 days ago so you won't lose anything as a headstart.
DayZ Namalsk Server
---Are you looking for a new adventure for you and your friends? Then you've come to the right place join us for a rediculous time!