Easily find a Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our Dayz server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Our DayZ RP community welcomes players from around the world. With lore events, immersive RP, active Admins and a world enriched with storytelling, you will be able to create your character in...
Laidlaw Island Official Vanilla Test Server
A Original Hashima Experience offert from Epic_Survivors Everyone are Welcome!
Dear survivor. I hope this message finds you, despite the catastrophe there is still hope.. I’ve heard whispers of sanctuary, come find me in a place called New Jack City.. Hope to see you soon…
No Rain/Loot+/Zombie+/Base damage off/weekend raid/Cusom base/Facions
this is a test server, please dont do anything
PvE Hardcore Survival Skills
This server will be online as long as I'm alive, even if it will be online for 2 years with 0 players {for the sake of the game}
DarkSideZ.eu Winter Chernarus LOOT+ TRADER (Altar) HELIS (Expansion Mode) BASEBUILDING (Expansion Mode) CANNABIS NEW, Rules, active admins, noob friendly, PVP