Easily find a Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our Dayz server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Laid back PVP style. Tons of Mods and Easter eggs. Increased Loot and Vehicles! Come find a gift box of treasures! Secret stashes! Secret bases loaded out!
This server is hardcore pvp. Namalsk
Origem livonia - mapa livonia - admin ativos - loja automática
Bienvenue Escouade ! Dans ce monde vous serez pas invincible seul, vos mieux crée des liens avec d'autre personnes afin de pouvoir survivre. Bon courage
Mydayz server IS coming back with tins of news stuff
DANGER! Enter at your own risk! No liability is accepted for property damage or physical damage ;-)... have fun!
Hardcore Vanilla server, just basics, basic trader, no map
PvE, PVP zones, raid once per month mods: BBP, Paragon, SNAFU, Gold items, Farming mod, Bee keeping mod, Bit Coin, Paid car mods, nissan 350Z, range Rovers, Golf GTI, Subaru Impreza, 6x6 Trucks,...
A Full Customizated DayZ Modded PVP Server, Join now to check them out!
A bunker with flying planes event, events that are ufo that sucks you up and kills you if you get too close, plane crashes that appear in and out like heli crashes. Friendly admins who teach.Raid...