Easily find a Vanilla Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
Map: Namalsk -Base Building, MMG Storage & Raiding features -better Gunplay -Vanilla setting -Group System -3 civilian guns
Have you ever heard about HRDP server? A Namalsk vanilla [1PP] PVP Server with more crafting, aim, global effect sounds. Don't wait any longer come to A3 ! to improve and increase fights...
Vanilla+ - Codelocks - Groups Max 8 - 1pp - AutoRun
We are a slightly modified Sakhal vanilla server.
Welcome to THP! Livonia HC 1pp Vanilla+. Immersive Gameplay in focus. Fresh wiped 20.08.2023. Codelock, MMG, GoreZ, CarCover, ZenNotes Adminteam with high activitiy.
Классический сервер DAYZ с дополнениями, направленными на улучшения удобства игры и расширения контента. Мы...
Namalsk First person only Vanilla , no rules
No mods server
Mods: - Autorun - Unlimited Stamina - No Vehicle Damage - Pristine Repair - Party System - CodeLock Keine Trader und kein Geld System, zudem wurde der Lootspawn deutlich erhöht
[b]Golden Squad DayZ[/b] Golden Squad was founded in july 2022 with focus PVP aspect of DayZ , This Server is First Person 1PP with out Zombie with unlimited stamina and coustom mode & content for...