« It’s just the right balance of vanilla and mods to make it a fun experience. I’ve never had any issues with lag or excessive server down times. The staff are excellent and really helpful. »
« By far one of the best and chillest servers i’ve played, no boosted loot so you don’t have a bunch of kitted dummies running around all the time, nice community and amazing admins. Highly recommended. »
« The Vanilla loot rate weeds out the newbies from the veterans in a world of intense raiding sessions and long auto-run looting adventures. Intense raiding sessions with a great community. »
« Great server w nice loot arround the map, players are mostly friendly but the pvp are good and chaotic as u spect on a day z server, im planning to stay »
« A dynamic server with the right amount of mods and administrators, always alert and present, are available for any need or problem.
Really recommended! »
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