
Emperor |PVEZ|Trader|PVP Zones|Heli|Leaderboard|Noob|100k

Dayz server

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n°292 0

Server Characteristics

3 votes
1386 clicks

Server with public access


Focus on PVE (80%) / PVEZ Server Chernarus Map, but with PVP Zones (20%).

The player is unable to kill or damage other Players in PVE Zone. Damage completely disabled.

The player can ONLY be taken damage from other Players in PVP ZONE.

RedFalcon Flight System Heliz + Leaderboard

Trader, ATM + Advanced Banking.

Fishing+ Farming+ Brutal Animal, Tombstone, BaseBuildingPlus

PvZmoD Customisable Zombies + Spawn System

RaG_Vehicle_Pack, MMG - Mighty Military Gear, Weapons

SchanaMod Party and Group Invites, Clan Base


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