
[GER]Outer Heaven PVE/PVP [50K|Trader|Weed|Heli|Cars|Banking]

Dayz server

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Server Characteristics

2215 votes
8539 clicks

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Server with public access


Wir sind ein PVE/PVP orientierter DayZ Server. Alles Weitere erfahrt ihr auf unserem Discord! Falls ihr Fragen habt, könnt ihr uns auch gerne vorab über Discord kontaktieren.

We are a PVE/PVP oriented DayZ server. You can find out everything else on our Discord! If you have any questions, you can also contact us via Discord.

* Airdrops
* KOTH (King of the Hill)
* Trader
* Drugs
* Banking System
* Clan System
* Events
* Clan Clothes
* Many Cars / Military Cars
*Clan Cars and Helicopters
* Helicopters
*Pokemon Cards
*Collectable Items
*Loot Chests
*Fishing Mod
* Base Building 2.0
* Raid Bunker (Best Loot / Endgame)
* Raid Event (Jeden Samstag 21 bis 0 Uhr / Every Saturday 9pm to 0 am)
*Jungle Chernarus
* and more..



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