

Dayz server

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Server Characteristics

4 votes
702 clicks

Server with public access


Hey there! If you're looking for a noob friendly/PvP loving community on a map full of secrets and having the thrill of dangers lurking around the corner whether or not if it’s Zeds or other survivors. Grow your alliances build your fortifications, group up and claim your territory. This is a server with an awesome community, active admins and welcomed feedback, I fully recommend trying out HiddenRealmz! It is a new modded server on Chernarus and we welcome you to be a part of growing the server in favor of what the dayz players want. I hope to see you there! https://discord.gg/TTXv38RWwS

- EDO Weapons
- Group size of 10 max
- Airdrops
- RFFS Heliz
- DNA Keycards
- Custom Traders and Loot areas
- Custom Black Market and Cannibal Trader


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