
Providence Dayz RP, PC server, Alt history 1970's

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The Year is 1970. Twenty years ago, the German Eagle soared over the Urals. Western Russia, and the rest of Europe, languish beneath the Reich's Jackboot. The Occupation zone of West Russia, Reichskommissariat Moskowien, has become the Reich's playground. Moscow has been destroyed, and rebuilt into history's largest labor camp. Colossal steel hulks - leftovers from aberrant scientific ventures - liter the wastes. Dark clouds gather over northern Moskowien. Plague, unlike anything anyone has ever seen, grips the ancient towns around Lake Ilmen. The superstitious call it a curse; some say its another experiment. The Germans have fled the area, leaving it empty - and unguarded. Scavengers and partisans alike roam the forests around the Lake. It is even rumored that the Germans are afraid to step foot into the area;

Even to chase criminals. Lake Ilmen is, to many, an oasis; the perfect place to hide from German eyes. It is a goldmine left open and unguarded. To some misguided souls, however, it is a prison. Peculiar 'ghost stories' abound from there; Stories of looters going missing, of phantom lights in the woods,

and of bunker walls bleeding like rent flesh. No matter who are you, Or why you've come to Lake Ilmen, You will not leave the same.


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