Let the chance choose for you, and discover random Dayz servers classified randomly by our hands.
The ultimate DayZ experience. Vanilla+ server with small mod varietys.
RP server with a growing community and active admins. Primarily PvE/RP with KOS Zones. Drug running Cartel's to Chernarus PD; mercenaries and your survivalists can be found among the community....
An exclusive mapping, modded helicopters and cars, base spawning, skin system, zombie hordes, airdrops, KOTH (King of the Hill), keycard system, black market, modded weapons and armor,drugs..
First Person Vanilla Server! Dedicated Admins and Developer into making this one of the best Vanilla + Servers! We want Quality of Life while still loving the joys of original vanilla gaming.
Welcome to Zombicide! Here At ZombiCide We're Making a Unique DayZ Experience. We've Made The Zombies Harder. Added Loads Of More Spawns!
Join [INFECTED-ORIGINALZ] for intense PvP action! Featuring Base Building Plus, Military Mod Gear, 50K starting loadout, and 24/7 raiding. Dive in now!"
We are a Dayz PvE community. Our community consists of No KoS No Base Raids or Damage Custom Cars, Helis, Wepons and More Weekend Events
Are you seeking a new DayZ experience where the infected AI is no longer a joke? Where you will have to fight early-game struggles to live long enough to get a base built? If so, come and test...
1PP|Airdrops|Raiding|Custom Weapons|Basic Build Plus|Party Me|VPP Map|Melkart|
PC - DEER ISLE MAP, Airdrops, DNA Keycards, Basic Territories, CodeLock, CannabisPlus, Drugs PLUS, Equipment System, RFFS Helicopters, gebsfish, TheDarkHorde, SNAFU Weapons and many more