Easily find a PVP Dayz server on Top-Games thanks to our list of Dayz servers. Or just add your own for become famous!
pvp/pve on banov map come join us
Impossible to make a detailed description of the server within limit of 220 charecters, join the Discord for more info, otherwise check us out on https://www.trackyserver.com
A strong focus on intense organic pvp, survival and challenging game play we combine the raw beauty of Bitterroot and with vanilla vibes.
Last Wipe : 17.05.2024 Map: Chernarus 1pp Full PVP Trader, Helis, Airdrops, KOTH, Lootchests, DNA Keycards, Robbable ATM‘s, Bunker, Toxic Zone, Many Cars, and Many more …
Join our DayZ server [EU]Row for an authentic and thrilling experience. Vanilla+, Loot+, Stamina+, Traders, 1PP/PvP. Intense survival, guaranteed adventure. Join us now!
Some of our key features: Events, Killfeed, Raid weekend, Airdrops, Special Airdrops, Build anywhere & infinite stammina, Base ping & Group System, Active Admins, Friendly Community,
AI-patrols, traders, airdrops, thrilling quests, expanded base building options, helicopters, unique vehicles, banking, personal storage, and much more!
The best Melkart server!! Full PVP, French/English Admin. Unique weapon mods, top quality vehicles, OneTap, Personal mapping, Trader, BBP+, RaidALERT KEYCARD. Evening boasts event. Complete...
Moderated Vanilla is about bringing you a NO RULES Vanilla DayZ experience - without the rampant cheater issue on ALL official servers. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Y69sdaN8sf
Last Wipe : 5.04.2024 Map: Alteria PVP with Quests, Trader, Helis, Airdrops, KOTH, Lootchests, DNA Keycards, Robbable ATM‘s, Bunker, Toxic Zone… Come,explore the new Map and become part of...