We list here the latest Minecraft servers by date of registration on the ranking. They are ranked from the most recent to the oldest.
Here is where your server would be positioned if you choose to subscribe to this premium offer.
a server survie and queste
Extreme Launcher Server is a Minecraft server dedicated to testing Minecraft clients, catering to casual players and enthusiasts alike.
Join on Boss RPG Online! Explore vast worlds, battle epic bosses, and new dungeons. Team up with friends, complete quests, ride dragons, and more! Optimized for all PCs. Download on...
hello lol look this is java and bedrock
???? Welcome to Elhyxia PVPBox - V1! ???? ⚔️ Version 1 is now available! ⚔️ PVP experience with 8 different kits ????️ ????️ Epic Arena for Battles & Events ????️ Join now and...
In this dynamic environment, your adventure begins with mining your way through various ranks. ????⛏️
Top Minecrafter is your go-to platform for discovering top Minecraft servers, carefully selected and verified by Alexander Brin.
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L'important pour nous c'est de faire plaisir à nos joueurs, alors nous avons décidée de faire des prix ultra bas, pour que tout le monde puisse s'amuser, sans trop dépenser !