Easily find a Rust server on Top-Games thanks to our Rust server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
We are a brand new server and we are not finished still a lot of work to do.
Welcome to Jungel Rust 2024
FarmLand 10x PVE is a Monthly server for farmers to Play or Practice on. PVE No Raiding. Don't be a dick.
Banditland.EU PVE & PVP 2X Rust Server Welcome to the Banditland community! This server is a mix between PVP and PVE to ensure a unique gameplay and get all the best that Rust has to offer.
Banditland.EU PVP 2X Rust Server Welcome to the Banditland community! This is one of our PVP servers with a group size of max 2 players.
ProjectJackalope is a Well-Balanced, High Performance modded server that offers players a fast paced pvp, with emphasis on survival and progression in a ghastly atmosphere.
RustyBee X5 | wipe every Thursday at 5 p.m. and Monday at 5 p.m. and on forced Max Group size 6 Tier 1 Unlocked All gather rate are 5x No night Clan system Custom loot drops Custom vending machine...
Plugins: TP | Clans | Day/Night time | Betterloot | instacraft | 5x | Quicksmelt | Stacksizecontroller | Shop | etc."