

Rust server

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37 votes
573 clicks

Server with public access


Welcome To EchoFour PVE Server!

Our New and Upcoming Army Themed server, is Growing Rapidly, with more Players and more QoL and Event Plugins. Being added for your Entertainment and Game-Play Experience.

Please,Take Advantage of Our Authorized Access In-Game By Joining our Discord https://discord.gg/XfxsYu6a8w Or Consider Supporting our Server,For Additional, but not essential Perks And Roles.


I really hope you enjoy your time on this server and feel free to make suggestions, This is Great for me as it lets me know what you would like from a server. Just Remember these are only suggestions, I may not change or add everything but I do appreciate your support and engagement -EvilDips.


1. Don’t Be Toxic. Have a Little Respect for other players

2. “If You like it then you should have put a lock on it”.  We have prevention in place but plugins break so it is entirely the players responsibility to prevent looting by placing locks. 

3. Griefing/Trolling is Not Tolerated.

4.Don’t Pretend to be a Mod or Admin.

5.Twig Wont stop a Big Bad wolf From Blowing your house down. Upgrade it or ill come-a-huffing!

6.Admins/Mods Have Final Say, There Ain’t No Point in Arguing!

7.Player On Player Disputes Should only involve staff if rules are being broken. Staff have got better things to be doing with their time than listening to Whining.

8.Don’t Forget This is a PVE server you ain’t gonna kill that heli flying overhead, just annoy the driver (No point so just don’t do it)

9. No asking Admins or Mods for free loot,Rp,events or IG Perks. Persistent asking will result in consequences.

10. Follow the rules and you’ll be good, Don't Forget to have Fun

If you need an Admin use /calladmin, Please allow time for us to respond.


This is a PVE Server Not PVP- You are not able to Kill or Raid Other Players.

Important Info:

Server Restarts- Everyday around 5:00AM EST

Server Wipe- Every First Thursday Of the Month.

-This Includes all Zlevels & Economics.

Blueprints- BP’s Do Not Wipe unless Forced.

Backpacks- Carry over to Next wipe, Be sure to Store all items/weapons/resources inside before wipe. 

To avoid Lag Each Player is limited by TC/Foundation Limits,

*E4 Members & Authorized - 50 Foundations per 3TC’s.

-With Team Limits

MAX of 15 TC’s for 8Man Team

*VIP – 60 Foundations Per 5TC’s 

-With Team Limits

(Team of 2 Has 6TC’s MAX)

(Team of 4 Has 9TC’s MAX


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