
[EU] Sokovia Republic 2X Vanilla Ressources - Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad

Rust server

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Server Characteristics

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  • Slots
    200 slots
  • Added date
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986 clicks

Server with public access


[EU] Sokovia Republic 2X Vanilla - Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad (Ressources 2X - Stack Size Ressources 2X)

Server wipe every first Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (GMT+1)

Rules :

- Racism, sexism or other language can and will result in a mute or ban

- No cheating or hacking

- Making signs with pornographic, sexist or racist content is not allowed and can result in a ban

- 4 players max authorized on TC over the course of a wipe

- Alliances / Teaming with other groups is not allowed


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