
Furor Rust 2x | Solo/Duo/Trio | Vanilla | BI every 2 Weeks

Rust server

Server page

This server is archived because it has been inactive for too long.

Server Characteristics

0 votes
1488 clicks

Server with public access


Welcome to FuRorRust!

-Max group size is 3;

-2x Gather, crafting and smelting rates;

-Night time passes 2x faster;

-Map size: 3.6k-3.8k Vanilla;

-Server MapWipe every Thurstday at 20:00 CET;

-Server BPWipe every 2nd Thurstday at 20:00CET;

-Active admins;

-Scheduled restarts every day at 4 AM CET;

-Discord link: discord.gg/U8wv8TGjEA;

-Website: coming soon

Some extra useful commands: /info, /pr, /pm, /playtime, /clan

validated on Just-wiped.net


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