Let the chance choose for you, and discover random Rust servers classified randomly by our hands.
Challenging, modded PvE environment with: 2x month wipes | slow decay | personal recyclers | extended backpacks | custom hostile NPCs | raidable bases | 15+ events | custom maps | skill leveling |...
[KORROSION] is a fresh server project offering a unique modded Rust experience that keeps the gameplay engaging, even after the wipe hype has settled.
Welcome to [US] Rustlers PvEx5 Server Maps are wiped every 1st Thursday of month.
Welcome to our Community Server hope you have much fun and stay respectful to everyone.
Lots of plugins to reduce the grind and make Rust life easier. *3x gather rate *3500 Map Size *QuickSmelt *Increased Stack Sizes *Custom Loot Tables
No killing, stealing, or raiding of other players in no KOS zones.
Atomic Rust | Solo/Duo/Trio/Quad | Monthly Map and BP Wipe! Mini Copter Spawn on Roads! commands to help out with small things in game. Kits for basic defense and building. None playing Admins!
Banditland.EU PVEVP 1X Rust Server Welcome to the Banditland community! This server is a mix between PVP and PVE to ensure a unique gameplay and get all the best that Rust has to offer.
Raidable Bases NoBP, Kits, Teleports Airfield Event, Helipad Event Medium & High grade fuel Custom Mixing Table Epic loot, no junk loot
Rustverse, a 3x modded Rust server, offers thrilling Clan vs Clan gameplay with monthly wipes, enhanced loot, offline raid protection, teleportation, events, and active admins.