Easily find a Rust server on Top-Games thanks to our Rust server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
SOON Description
D4rkhorse Server-10x|PVE|No BPs|Backpacks|lots more! Vote to get supply signals, Raidable bases, Skins, Skill Tree, Armored Train event, Better / more loot, virtual instant recyclers, and much...
Unoriginal Idea - 2x Monthly NoBpWipe Noob Friendly Largest World Size Possible: 6000x6000 Map wipes first Thursday of the month at 11am PST
Welcome to TTM_WAR_FIELD - x2 Gather & Custom Plugins!
Welcome to Carnival of rust were the fun never stops many events and things to do mpa votes for each moth no wipes unless rust does it and many rewards and online shop.
WELCOME! We are a PVE server with PVP with over 150 plug-ins to enhance your gaming needs.
For more information and to join our community, visit us on Discord: https://discord.gg/rustmania/ Linking: https://rustmania.net
FUN SERVER with a mymini command every 24h, a /kit with a lot of option and skills lvl
New server, monthly wipe, PVP
Welcome to RustRearm! Enjoy Rust's classic vibe on our 1.5x Solo/Duo/Trio server: No Tech Tree, Recyclers, Random Spawns, 1.5x Gather, and Weekly Wipes. Join: connect eu-trio.rustrearm.info