

Scum server

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n°128 0

Server Characteristics

48 votes
695 clicks

Server with public access


[General Settings]

Server Name= 8833 AL Jazeera Loot x3 PVPVE Skills x10 [Free Base][BotShop]
Server Playstyle= PVP
Max Ping= 300
Skill Multiplier= x10
Skill Gain In Safe Zones Yes
Loot Spawner Probability= x3
Loot Spawner Time= Ever 15 Minutes
Squad Member Count At All Levels 1 -5 = 6 Players Per Squad Max
Maximum Amount Of Elements Per Flag= 1700
Disable Exhaustion= Yes
Body Simulation Speed Multiplier= x4
Fame Point Gain= x5
Fame Point Penalty On Death= x0.5
Fame Point Penalty On Killed= x0.5
Fame Point Reward On Kill= x0.5
Maximum Time For Chests / Vehicle  In Forbidden Zones [Trader Zone] = 2 Hours


[World Settings]

Max Zombies= 100
Exterior Zombies= 50
Interior Zombies= 25
Zombies Spawn Distance= 100 Meters away from the player
Zombies Can Open Doors= Yes
Zombies Can Vault Windows= Yes
Zombies Health Multiplier= x0.5
Drones= 1
Sentry Spawning=  Yes 1 Random day per week
Cargo Drop= Every 12 minutes
Cargo Drop Self destruct Time= 20 minutes


[Bunkers Settings] 

Abandoned Bunker settings= 0 [ Hardcore ]
Max Allowed Keycards= 3
Police Station Keycards= 2
Radiation Zone Keycards= 1
Max Abandoned Bunker Simultaneously Active= 3 Bunkers at the same time
Abandoned Bunker Active Duration Hours= 6 Hours
Abandoned Bunker KeyCard Active Duration= 3 Hours
Abandoned Bunker Reset Armory Lockers On Activation Only ON


[Player respawn Settings]

Random Respawn Price= 0
Sector Respawn Price= 150
Shelter Respawn Price= 750


[vehicle Settings]

Airplane Max Amount= 4
Dirtbike Max Amount=20
Laika Max Amount= 50
Motorboat Max Amount= 11
Wolfswagen Max Amount=0 [ Available at the Discord BotShop]
Rager Max Amount= 50


[Overall Damage Settings]

Sentry Damage Multiplier= x1.5
Zombie Damage Multiplier= x0.5
Item Decay Damage Multiplier=x0
Food Decay Damage Multiplier= x0


[Raid Settings]

Raid Protection= ON
Raid Protection Offline Protection Start Delay= Protections start after 00:30:00 minutes of all squad members logout
Raid Protection Offline Max Protection Time= 48:00:00 hours
Flag Overtake Duration= 24:00:00


[AL Jazeera Bot Settings]

Weapons are available on the BotShop [ Change of weapons subject to the current events in the Server and the player's overall demands]
Almost Free base building elements to Build your dream Base.
ATM Transfer Money from the Game to Discord and Vice versa
Taxi Available to certain points Only. 
VPN/Country Detection channel
Immediate Ban 
PvP Cooldown= Off
Jail Option= ON
Warzone Bonus Kill Coins= 3500 Per 1 Kill
Warzone Death Coins Deduction= 450 Per 1 Death
Discord Coins Added per 15 Minutes = 500
Coins per 1 Kill out of the Warzone area= 2000
Coins Removed on Death out of the Warzone area 350
Coins Per 1 Login Daily= 15000 After 7 Days in the Server
ATM Fees= 25%


How Can I Get More Coins in Discord?

You may join the Warzone events and kill as many players as you can[ You will get 5.5K Coins for each Kill]

Weapons are expensive!

You may head to Factions join one Faction and start claiming points on the Map to have a 50% Discount on the Bot Shop items


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