Easily find a Scum server on Top-Games thanks to our Scum server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Come check out one of SCUMs fastest growing communities. Survival at it's finest. PVP map with 1 island dedicated for the PVE players, RP in towns. And An Admin that truly cares for his community.
The WhalleyBot test server
10x loot, no mechs, full PVP server with 2 PVP no raid sectors, discord bot, welcomepack,100k coins start off, drop zones aka warzones, faction wars, build anywhere except military bunkers and...
Our scum server is 3x world drop loot 3x opening containers. No mech weekends. Noob Friendly. Bot Shop with basic stuff. PvP and PvE. Teleports. Rent-A-Bikes. Community Center. Absolutely NO PAY...
USA - East Coast PVP / PVE PermaDeath -10000 Restarts 8 AM/ 8 PM 3x Loot No Game Bots Mostly Vanilla Settings No Mechs Weekends/ Holidays
From cannibals and summoners of the dead to knights and TEC01 stuck in an endless power struggle for dominance over the island of Asphodel, this hardcore RP server has it all. Your stories start here.
Wiped 5/3, Societies Exiles offers exceptional gaming: PvPvE zones, boosted puppets/loot, open build, limited bot shop, lottery, random No Mech days, double XP on select skills. Weekend Raids: 6pm...
The DMZ| NEW SERVER 2/29/24 | US | 24/7 PvP and Raiding | Variable Loot (2-3x) | NO Botshop | - ALL WELCOME: discord.gg/thedmz
░░ XRTC GAMING GREECE ░░ x3 Loot ░ PvPvE ░ Dark Nights ░ x2 Puppet Damage ░ x1 Metabolism ░ Greek - English ░
good server max pop great admins