Easily find a Scum server on Top-Games thanks to our Scum server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Freedom of speech. PVP. Bot Shop. Noob Friendly. Active Admin. No mechs. x5 skills and loot. Server-building polls. ORP
This server... ...is for survival/PvP oriented players ...has moderate hardcore settings (moderate for hardcore players) ...increases player interaction by concentrating better loot to only a few...
Friendly server for veterans and beginners, active and helpful admins and a great community, PVP with PVE zones, high loot and cars, no mechs, no bot shop, raiding 24/7 come join us
New Server for all. Play Fair. For Testreasons 20 Players Slots. Have Fun!!!!!
Join our discord for more info!
This is a newly created PVP server with CUSTOM LOOT! Slots will be increased. Our team is well experienced and we'll make everything for you to enjoy the time playing here! For more info, please...
Exhaustion Disabled x10 Skills x2 Loot Razor Hard To summon Max Hunting Mechs Do Half Damage Harvests 100% Additional Chance Custom PVE Zones
A new PvE Server for Beginners and Friends. You have good Condition on looting, and finding new players. Also we have PVP Zones. The Admin team is very activ and entertain you with Event,...
Polski serwer RolePlay
Vanilla-style with quality-of-life enhancements. Mechs deal half damage. Active admin support via Discord. Puppet behavior adjusted. Unique mechanics like selling Cannabis_bud to admin.