
Demented PVP - x2 Zombies, x3 Loot, x10 Skill, No Exhaustion, No Mechs

Scum server

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Server Characteristics

20 votes
1037 clicks

Server with public access


**Name:** Demented PVP - x2 Zombies, x3 Loot, x10 Skill, No Exhaustion, No Mechs

**Connect IP:** (US-EAST)

**Server Type: ** PVP 

**Discord:** https://discord.gg/JMNrqmjX27 


- Host: PingPerfect

- Drive: NVMe

- CPU Priority: Highest Available


- Active

- Public Admin cmd Logs


- 8 Member limit

- 5 Vehicles per squad

- 2 Flags per squad

- No squad teaming


- Custom Economy.

- No FP requirements.

- No base raid items for sale.


- 24/7

- KOS allowed everywhere


- x2 Zombie Spawn

- x3 Loot + Customized loot tables.

- x10 Skill Gain

- x1.6 Body Sim (about 40% slower than vanilla)

- No exhaustion

- No Mechs

**Bot Features:**

- Welcome/Daily Pack (NO BOT SHOP)

- Lottery

- COD style Mystery Box (once per 24 hrs you can obtain a random weapon)

- ATM (earn coins for playing. trade those for in-game cash)

- Faction Wars

- Quests / Dead Drops

- PVP Leaderboards and Bounties.

- Discord Kill feed (in-game kill feed has been disabled to prevent 3rd party raiding)

- DMV (register your vehicles)

- Taxi (to traders only)

- Real-time alerts for lockpicking and mine detonation.

**Offline Raid Protection**

- Enables **3 hours after** the flag owner logs off. 

- Protection is disabled in 2 ways.

1: ) After **96 hrs** of inactivity. 

2:) **Immediately** when the flag owner logs on.

- This allows players to still raid effectively and prevents defending players from exploiting this feature permanently. 

*subject to change. i dont like offline raiding but if it truly becomes an issue we can take a vote and change it.*




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