
Dregz of Society

Scum server

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Server Characteristics

206 votes
1307 clicks

Server with public access


Server Summary

This is an adult family friendly server, your a scumbag prisoner, just follow the rules, don't cheat, no exploits and respect everyone, No discrimination!! No language filter in game!!

This is a bot shop server but the bot shop is minimal and no guns or ammo are sold in the bot shop!

== Server Information ==

'''''<u>Dregz of Society</u>'''''

Server IP

Max players 50

Server restarts every 3 hours!

Server last wiped on 08-21-2024

Daily pack has been updated, most items in the game are now added to the list of what can be spawned and is fully random you can get 5000 cash or even a bear spawned on you, maybe even nothing, best of luck!

  '''Factions Info'''

Takes 10 min to claim a territory!

Factions can have up to 15 members from any squad!

Each territory will reward bot coins to each active member of the faction for each day that its held and payout is each day!

Payout is 100 bot coins per territory each day!

Factions VIP will get 200 bot coins per day per territory!

Killing the person who started the claim will give you 10,000 bot coins!

The more territory's you hold the higher the bot shop % discount will be!

  '''Squads Info'''

Up to 10 players in a squad

If the squad leader has 1 INT your able to have 6 members

If the squad leader has 2 INT your able to have 7 members

If the squad leader has 3 INT your able to have 8 members

If the squad leader has 4 INT your able to have 9 members

If the squad leader has 5 INT your able to have 10 members

  '''Bunkers Info'''

All Abandoned Bunkers are PvE<br>

All Normal Bunkers are PvP<br>

In the Abandoned Bunkers Suicide Puppets give no damage when they explode!

Abandoned Bunker keycards allow up to 3 hours of access to the bunker then it will lock down and lose all power!<br>

== Custom Map ==


Map is set up in zones<br>

Red is the PvP Zones, lock picking is always active!<br>

Can not taxi out of any Red PvP zones!<br>

B4 is PvP black market trader!<br>

Blue is No Build Zones, used for events!<br>

Orange is PvE Abandoned Bunker!<br>

Purple is PvP Bunker!<br>

Green is trader zones!<br>

Yellow is admin island<br>

{{Custom Map Embed|id=dregz|width=560|height=315}}

== Server Rules ==

General Overall<br>

Required to have a in-game player name or fake name and can not have any of the admin roles in there name!<br>

Can not impersonate another player and or use there name!<br>

Player names can not be toxic, inappropriate, sexist, sexual, racist! Your name will be changed!<br>

You can request to have you're discord name changed to match your in-game name submit a ticket<br>

In Game and Discord Voice Chat is not monitored but if recorded can be used against you! Factor in the rules when using voice chat!<br>

Alt Accounts are not allowed!<br>

Any Base/Camp that falls under 40% will be added to the admin events, flags and all locks will be removed! Making it free game for any player to loot!<br>

English Only in all channels on Discord and in the server!<br>

Squad chat you can use any language!<br>

No VPN, Log in with VPN and you will be auto kicked and multiply attempts will ban your account from the server!<br>

Each player can only have 1 vehicle! That is 1 of the Car/Truck!<br>

Each player can also have 1 Dirt Bike or RIS!<br>

Each squad can only have 1 plane!<br>

No building on the yellow marked roads! You can build on the white roads!<br>

No mines or traps on any roads!<br>

No mines on the edges of any roads or airfield runways!<br>

No mines on any airfield runways!!<br>

No mines in any bunkers or at the doors!<br>

No mines or traps outside your own flag zones!!<br>

Vehicles in the trader zones will despawn after 3 hours!<br>

Vehicles everywhere not in trader zones will despawn after 15 days!<br>

No camping kills on the PvE border!<br>

If you kill a player in a PvE zone while in the PvE zone you will be sent to jail!<br>

Beds only in your own flag zone!<br>

All player vehicle must be registered with the bot! ⁠🚗dmv   Helps prevent the bot from destroying player vehicles!<br>

All player vehicle must be named, helps admins identify vehicles and helps prevent them from being deleted!<br>

No raiding! Setting is turned off! Any work around glitches cheats will get you banned!!<br>

Gaining access to a base/camp from above, jumping over, falling in would be raiding!<br>

No complaining and/or lashing out in-game chat or discord chat about being Raided – Submit a Help Ticket!<br>

No accusing anyone of cheating or hacking in-game chat or discord chat – Submit a Help Ticket!<br>

If you suspect admin abuse keep it out of in-game chat or discord chat and report it - Submit a Help Ticket!<br>

Requesting in-game or DMing staff, admins, owners will be ignored open a ticket!!<br>

No troy, post, stick walls blocking entrances!! Stacks/rows of door frames is ok!! Troy, post, stick walls can be used around your base as a wall/walls!!<br>

PvE Zone

No PvP player to player damage in PvE zone!<br>

You are able to brawl and kill players from brawl damage in PVE Zones!<br>

PvE Squads and/or Players can have 1 flag!<br>

Players can choose to set bounty's and hunt any player! Kills can only be in PvP zones but I'm sure that wont stop you from hog tying your bounty's.<br>

Prefabs POI's can be used as base/camp!<br>

No Player theft including claimed vehicles!<br>

Player Locked Vehicles in PvE will not be pushed, glitched, in any way moved out of PvE or in a way that will destroy the vehicle!<br>

Chest that are not yours on the ground in PvE zone must be left alone and is considered player theft!!<br>

PvE Zone Vehicles, Any Player Vehicles must have a lock and claimed with the DMV!<br>

Locked vehicles in PvE zone without being registered with the DMV will be deleted from the map!<br>

All claimed vehicles must have a name on them!<br>

PvP Zones

No Base/Camps in PvP zones!<br>

GTA   Vehicles in PvP can be stolen lock picked at any time sold and/or used for personal gain and be mindful shut and lock your doors!<br>

If your vehicle was stolen fair in PvP you are required to remove the registration when requested!<br>

Vehicle can be destroyed at anytime if a player is able to destroy it, so do all means to protect your vehicles in PvP!!<br>

B4 Trader is a PvP zone! You can picklock steal and kill! Items on the ground other players can take, watch out for those porch pirates looking to steal your package! - "No my willy warmer its gone"<br>

B4 is a PvP Black Market Trader!<br>

B4 Trader will have everything in the game to buy or sale!<br>

No reviving players and killing them once already killed /dead with phoenix tears!<br>

== Events ==

Admin Event Island

== Features ==

Use the bot to Spawn puppets at the shooting range for target practice<br>

== Upcoming Events or Features ==

Admin base raiding, Admins will create a high tier loot bases that can be raided on a set day and time<br>

Mech Events<br>

Working on Races with Bikes, Dirt Bikes, Cars, and on foot race Events<br>

Feel free to ask in the discord if you have any questions, we're happy to help!<br>


[[Category:Private Servers]]



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