
Ironfish Roleplay

Scum server

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16 votes
983 clicks

Server with public access


In the near future of 2034 we live in a dark utopia of technological advancements, overpopulation and utter lack of natural resources. The government has made numerous attempts of what can only be described as salvation projects.

One of these run by a government funded corporation called TEC1, a morally twisted corporation focused on re-balancing the ever growing population. Their solution?

TEC1 created a twisted reality show called "SCUM" where they sent prisoners to a remote island to fight for their lives. The prisoners were implanted with bio-chips that allow TEC1 to monitor their vital signs, skills, attributes, and even their thoughts. The prisoners were also forced to wear explosive collars that could be detonated at any time by TEC1 or by other prisoners. 

The show was broadcasted live to millions of viewers who could influence the outcome of the game by sending supplies, weapons, or traps to their favorite contestants.

And soon enough TEC1 controlled everything from the media, the economy, the military, and even the human population. However, not everything was as it seemed on the island. The island was infested with failed secret experiments turning deceased prisoners into zombies and mutants, robots, and other

dangers that were the result of their former work.

Before long some of the prisoners discovered a way to hack their bio-chips and collars, giving them more freedom and resistance against TEC1's control. These prisoners formed a secret alliance called the Renegades, who's sole purpose was to expose TEC1's crimes and escape from the island.

Our World (The Ironfish Server) is set in a timeline where the Renegades have managed to take over Multiple Regions of the island (Green Zones) and established a safe zones for themselves and other survivors. The safe zones is protected by walls, traps, and guards. However, venturing outside is very dangerous, between TEC1's forces and puppets. Every day is a struggle to survive and there's safety in numbers.

The safe zones are scattered into different districts, each with its own rules and leader. Some districts have been abandoned and deserted after several battles with TEC1. You can choose to join one of these districts or make it your own. You can also choose to cooperate or compete with other players, explore the island, scavenge for resources, craft items, improve your skills, and participate in various events and quests. 

The choice is yours, but don't let the now slightly civilized island fool you and remember: you are still a prisoner of SCUM, and TEC1 is always watching.


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