
Last Hope RP

Scum server

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A bold company known as S.E.K.U.R. (Security, Entertainment, Kinetics, Utilities, and Research) approached governments worldwide with a groundbreaking business proposition: privatize the prison system to save costs. The plan was to transform prisons into an entertainment source through a reality TV show called SCUM. The governments, eager to cut expenses, agreed to this audacious idea. 

When questioned about how they would manage security for such a large number of convicts, S.E.K.U.R. proposed creating a super AI named Tec01. This AI would monitor all prisoners and employ conscripted inmates to help operate the system in exchange for benefits. This meant the entire staff consisted either of autonomous entities, or criminals. Governments approved the plan, unaware of S.E.K.U.R.'s hidden, sinister agenda.

Tec01 was designed with one primary directive: make SCUM an eternal success. However; an obstacle arose - there would be no content if all the convicts died. To solve this, Tec01 was tasked with creating immortality, using convicts as test subjects. During its experiments, the AI developed a serum capable of healing any injury, including death. Unfortunately, prolonged use of this serum transformed subjects into unrecognizable, non-human entities.

While continuing the quest for true immortality, Tec01 devised an interim solution. By embedding micro-computational systems into the nervous system of its subjects, the AI could transfer a person's consciousness into a clone upon death. Though not true immortality, this process ensured continuous content for the show. 

This technological breakthrough allowed non-convicts to join the show or become test subjects for a fee, by letting Tec01 implant their consciousness into a clone. Despite a slight delay in uploading to the database, causing some memory loss before death, participants largely retained their identity. 

Contestants who entertained audiences and gained fame received benefits. Conversely, those who failed to captivate viewers had their BCU's deactivated, turning their bodies into husks- puppets devoid of control. 


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« Everything is amazing i m new around this server but i love it a lot,i would recomend it 1000% and well come try and see for yourself thanks to amazing staff »