We list here the latest Scum servers by date of registration on the ranking. They are ranked from the most recent to the oldest.
Here is where your server would be positioned if you choose to subscribe to this premium offer.
We run a Survival based SCUM Server, hard hitting Puppets, low loot , and a lot of other Survival oriented Action ... after all SCUM is a survival game, aint it ;-)
Erlebe SCUM in einer intensiven PVE-Variante, bei der jedes Item zählt! Wir haben den Loot komplett neu ausbalanciert und die Händlerpreise auf ein realistisches Level gebracht.
good loot good admin good pvp
The Purge is a unique SCUM server where every setting changes dynamically every day using an external custom script to provide a unique challenge for players.
Legacy RP offers immersive roleplay with merchant licenses, lawless PvP zones, and an active staff ensuring fair play. Join unique events, dynamic storylines, and a community that brings SCUM to life!
A server for beginners!!! Easy settings, No mechs on Weekends, loot x2, skills x5, easy zombie kill, spawn functional vehicles. Community center All the map its PVE. Safe zones No damage...
Scumwhisperer is a new server dedicated to challenging PVE, PVP Features include: - Active Admin(s) with Extensive Play Experience - Increased Loot - Increased Puppets - Building Restrictions -...
USA - East Coast PVP / PVE PermaDeath -10000 Restarts 8 AM/ 8 PM 3x Loot No Game Bots Mostly Vanilla Settings No Mechs Weekends/ Holidays
2x Loot, 2xPuppets, No Mech Tuesdays, 2x XP Wednesday and Thursday, Weekend Raiding, Bot shop, Lottery System, 3HR Restarts, Max squad 4 players, Custom PVE/PVP areas, Taxi System, UAV System,...
Welcome to The Caribbean PvP server! Dive into a thrilling Pirates of the Caribbean adventure with 2.5x loot, limited botshop, and treasure hunts.PVP experience with safe and unsafe traders,...