PIXELPARTY is a popular server that's been around for a while, and it's great for challenging PVP and unique events.
Here's what we've got:
- Dedicated hardware with DDos Protection
- Active admins with lots of experience who have played a lot and know what they're doing
- Active hunt for cheaters
- Ticket support
- Rules System
- Raid times
- Discord – with many Helpful Channels and features
- BOT Service by Whalley Bot
- Free welcome pack / Free daily pack / Limited Bot Shop / Banking / Vehicle Trader / Warzones / Raid-Alert / Killranking / Quests / and many more...
- Dedicated PVE & PVP Area's
- Unique events
- Mechs off
- Full customized loot
- Reduced puppets (adaptive to the number of players)
- Unlimited trader funds