
Scumhub 2.5 [PVP/PVE, Loot x4, Botshop lite, Max Vehicles, Events]

Scum server

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35 votes
2030 clicks

Server with public access


Scumhub 2.5 [PVP/PVE, Loot x4, Botshop lite, Max Vehicles, Events]


Discord: https://discord.gg/ke3cy6x4X2

Why choose us? What makes us special?

Loot: x4 - appears new every 30 minutes
Vehicles: Max + all functional
Raiding: Fixed raid times, raid display requirement, raid restrictions by play style.
Base items: 250 per flag + 50 per member| expansion +1000.
Flags: Multiple possible
Lock Protection: x3
Airdrops: 1 every 15 minutes
Mechs and Drones: disabled (except Mechs on Mech Monday)
Mines: active (follow rules)
Flag takeover: 24 hours
Squad limit: 2; 4; 6; 8; 10
Spawn cost: 250 random; 500 sector; 1g shelter
Permadeath: -5000
Coma: enabled
Claim kill: enabled
Fatigue: activated
Killfeed and display: active (in game and Discord)
Metabolism: slowed
Day/night: 5 hrs/1 hr real time
Restarts: every two hours of German time (0; 2; 4; ...)

Welcome package for every new player:

1 free dirtbike and some stuff for easier start.

Warzones with thick loot:

TNT, phoenix tear, base upgrades and even a keycard to find if you're lucky.

Changing server settings/automated events (see Discord for details).

Bot supported as well:
Free daily packs, lottery, quest system with rewards, bot bank, faction wars, bounties, killranglsite, and more.

Security Alerts: Get a DC message when your base is cracked.
UAV: See if and where players can be found in a sector.

Trader Configuration: Each trader has its own advantages - plus PVP trader.

A helpful and friendly community is waiting for you. Also active admins with public adminlog.

Just try us out. You will not regret it!


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