
Scumington UK - PVE/PVP - 80-20 split - no mechs - Damage on - Fatigue off

Scum server

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28 votes
429 clicks

Server with public access


Welcome to Scummington UK PVE server with a good splash of PVP to spice up our life.

This server is created by 3 mates wanting to play a server with a balance of PVE & PVP, we all like to play shooty shooty but do like the down time.

So with that in mind this server is 80% PVE with good areas of PVP.

These areas are major spawn areas ( Not all of them, were not sadists ) but they do inlcude....

  • All of D4 (this also encompasses half of Samobor)
  • Airfield in B2
  • Airfield in A4
  • Barracks in B3
  • Novigrad in Z2

We also have a brawl only zone in A0, if you want to go scrap it out with fist or melee weapons to settle a dispute "old School style" then have at it.

We wont be handing out Welcome Packs as we think its fun to get going the normal way.

We are trying to find a balance at the moment with all the settings but we mainly want..

  • No Mechs (unless on scheduled challenge days)
  • Damage on (we want to use nearly all of the game mechanics)
  • Vanilla loot (may get tweaked in places, Ongoing discussions)
  • Puppets spawn slightly increased (again finding that balance of insanity and challenge, with Squad multiplier set too)
  • Raiding (this is TBC, a raid schedule would be nice with raid protection on could make for a challenge)

We hope you stop by and have a nosey, drop into the discord or in game chat and say hi and if you play long enough hand out suggestions to help develop the server to a fun challenging place without the ass holes (sorry if you the ass hole come and give us a try anyway)


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