

Scum server

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n°51 5

Server Characteristics

10873 votes
10387 clicks

Server with public access


Join The Kingdom PVPVE Today!!! 

Server - The Kingdom

Location - US


BattleMetrics https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/scum/19321128

Discord https://discord.gg/ZA9h2J85tx

 PVP with 4 sectors in the middle PVE

 70 Player Slots 

✔️ 3X Loot 

✔️ Events Server with Gambling- (in game currency only) Brawling /Gladiator /Bank Robbery /Dog Fights /Squid Games /Factions /Hordes /Riots & Lots more! 

✔️ PVP Warzones -  Taxi To Warzone

✔️ Feel Safe In PVE - 4 Sectors 

✔️ Raid Hours weekdays 6-12 midnight weekends 12-12 midnight EST - Raid Alerts

✔️ Lottery Every Hour - 3x Lotteries on the weekend Raid hours - Weekdays 6-12 midnight and Weekends 12 midday to 12 midnight 

✔️ Max Vehicles  

✔️ Vehicle Trader at every gas station

✔️ 7 Day Vehicle Despawn

✔️ Ranking System - Kill Feed - Richest on the Server - Gun Master - Bounties 

✔️ Welcome Pack with Cash and Gear  Free Daily every 24hrs 

✔️ Active - Helpful - Friendly Admins 

✔️ Minimal Bot Shop 

✔️ Drops Every 30 Mins 

✔️ Warzones Every 2 Hour With Tons of great Loot

✔️ Less Zombies 

✔️ Increased Animals

✔️ Mech Active 24/7

✔️ Long Days 

✔️ Build Everywhere Except POI & Traders

✔️ Max Squad 10 based on intelligence 

✔️ Server Resets Every 4 Hours 

✔️ Friendly Community 

✔️ Noob Friendly 

✖️ No Mech Weekends

✖️ No Raiding In PVE 

✖️ No Trolling 

✖️ No Admin Abuse 

✖️ Hackers/Cheaters - Banned On Sight 

✖️ No person to person damage in PVE except brawling damage.


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Server staff

« I don't leave 5 star reviews easily. Well done Rambo & Carla. You're doing great & your community thanks you deeply. I'm very impressed. »
Server staff

« The server has a good setup and premise. The players are great, but the rules are not enforced well enough, and the admins are VERY slow on answering questions/helping. Has potential. »