
[NA-PVP] S1: GSH DUOS | 3X [10/23 WIPED]

The Front server

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Server Characteristics

1 votes
645 clicks

Server with public access


Discord Invite: discord.gg/gsh

Dedicated IP:
Dedicated Port: 27019
Dedicated Server Location: United States Of America, Virginia
Dedicated Server Operating System: Linux, Ubuntu
Total Machine RAM: 128GB
Machine CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
Dedicated Server Hosting ProviderGameServerHosting

GameServersHub has launched Three PvP servers for Solo's, Duo's, Trio's; each server is uniquely handcrafted to give you the best gaming experience possible! In addition, we are currently giving away over $600 USD VALUE in cash prizes for Season 1 If you are interested, join the discord URL link below and check out our announcements discord channel for more information on how to enter!

Why should I choose GSH servers over others?

  • Our servers run on dedicated machines and are operated by us using the latest and most robust hardware on the global market.
  • GSH is the founder and creator of the "ArkServerApi" framework for the video game "Ark: Survival Evolved" We have in-house development teams that will make our gaming servers unique and exclusive compared to the competition.
  • We offer not a single server but a variety of The Front gaming servers; each is handcrafted and optimized to fit the game style you enjoy!
  • GSH is one of the few communities on Discord fully partnered with Discord itself. This itself gives you more confidence that we operate efficiently.
  • GSH is one of the few communities that rewards you with cash prizes for playing on our servers! Join our discord to learn more about this!

Server Name: [NA-PVP] S1: GSH DUOS | 3X [10/23 WIPED]
Harvesting Rates: 3x
Experience Rates: 3x
  • Faster and improved crafting rates
  • Active and dedicated staff members
  • Cash prizes monthly to top players
  • Reduced fall damage
  • Improved hunger and water rates
  • Active and dedicated population
  • Daily quality-of-life updates and fixes based on community feedback
  • Player vs player interactions enabled 24/7



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