Easily find a Conan Exiles server on Top-Games thanks to our Conan Exiles server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
The Saga is an adult-only (+18) Role-play (RP) server focused on high fantasy with creatures and entities inspired by D&D and Conan Lore.
Mods propios, Mazmorras y profesiones personalizadas, misiones diarias para conseguir oro, y mucho mas.
Resulting on a war between Titania and Mab the lands of Alfheimr are a desolated battlefield, the land bare and destroyed from the countless battles. However, even from the ashes of war a new...
[TBA] 18+ Low-Fantasy Conan Lore RP-PvE
Hello! New server RP-PVP in exiled map !
HYBORIAN WARS all welcome! Isle of Siptah, PvP, raid times for competitive players with work schedules, active Admins/Moderators for reporting exploiters/cheaters. Discord Redimerel#7437 for more...
[Eu] *PvP\E* | *Gathering resources, experience x2* | *no drop on death* | *player not in world while logged out* | *No Wipe* | *Adult 18+* | ~ Join us on Discord for more information. Have a good...
Thoth-Amon’s Land RP/PVE: A Conan Lore Compliant Server set in Savage Wilds
Players are rewarded with in-game currency for actively roleplaying and engaging with other players. Clans and solo story-tellers are also rewarded with currency for hosting events and roleplay.