We list here the latest Rust servers by date of registration on the ranking. They are ranked from the most recent to the oldest.
This is a rustX Gaming Server.
Group max size 4. - Upkeep 50% - Raid times: 2 p.m. to midnight - Active admins who do not play. - All rules can be found on the Discord
SOON Description here. More info on discord.
Willkommen im Fuchsbau PVP/PVE~Anfängerfreundlich~Raidablebases~Baseprotaction~{Solo/Duo/Trio]~Upkeep 0,5 / Kits/VIP-Kits Plugins: -Armored Train -Battlepass -BetterNPC -RaidProtection -Sputnik
Vanilla Server 2X SOLO/DUO/TRIO
Lots of plugins to reduce the grind and make Rust life easier. *3x gather rate *3500 Map Size *QuickSmelt *Increased Stack Sizes *Custom Loot Tables
Rabisu Rust Server