Easily find a Scum server on Top-Games thanks to our Scum server list. Or just add your own for become popular!
Freedom of speech. PVP. Bot Shop. Noob Friendly. Active Admin. No mechs. x5 skills and loot. Server-building polls. ORP
-BotShop: On discord -Loot: 3x -Skill gain: 2x -Sentrys: Off -Zombie damage : 2X -Zombie spawn : High -Events:Automatic PVP event -Multiple Flag -10x squad members -Welcome Pack -Daily Pack
Join Us for SCUM's only stand alone server. Our Machine has a Xeon Processor: E-2288G (2019 Q2 Release) 64GB RAM, 500GB NVMe Hard Drive with 30 TB of Bandwidth. Performance is second to NONE!
Welcome to Rack City. Our server is dedicated to PVP, making full use of Scum's features. Join us now and relish the gameplay!
Just one rule: NO mines outside of the flag area. C4-Zombies are turned off until the spawns are fixed. Mechs are off at the moment. Loot x5, Skill x10. Customloot :) All unnecessary stuff is removed
SCUM game community with PvE server, botshop, admins, mods always ready to help. Resources+, vehicles+, great for new players. Quests, events, contests for rewards. Our server has been always...
Latest hardware [i9 13th gen, DDR5] for best performance and 80 slots. We offer you automated events and changing server settings, warzones, quest system, faction wars and much more. It's worth...
Our goal is to deliver a unique and distinctive Scum gaming experience while staying true to the fundamental aspects of the game.
50slots No Cheaters, No BugUsers! No admin players! Asia blocked! No Donate! Only 12 rules* Free PvP, KoS Default Building Mines use only flag aerea Mech ON Unique in game and Discord SCUM_Bot System!
Welcome to the "Island of Convicts".! We are focused on pvp, medium sized squads and the scum experience. If you like to compete with other squads and the survival feeling, then come and join...