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This is the Dirty Scum Hustlers server, we pride ourselves on PvE and PvP!! No Mech Monday, Wednesday and Thursday X3 XP buffs, Saturday Mega Loot Frenzy!!
LOOT x5 EXP x5 WelcomePack + Daily available No Mechs NO Discord Botshop Offline Raid Protrection max 15h (2hours delay) Newbie Raid Protection via Ticketsystem (3days) squadlimit: 8-10 black...
Small RP server where you decide to if you shoot first or take a chance. Customized loot table. Most traders have little to offer, you will have to loot or trade with other players to survive here.
Beginner friendly PVE. Animal heads, fish and puppet eyes set to sell for high prices. No mech/robots. Cars have better chance for engines. Visible night time, longer days.
SOSF is a scum pve server that has pvp zones and lots of loot to find this server is friendly to all and we welcome any veteran and new players.
IMPERIUM [3xLOOT, No Fame, Max Vehicles, 5x Skill, Free Gas]
New Scum Server this week! 64 Slots Full PVP, PVP trader, Admin Black Market Trader, 24/7 raid times, Raid alerts, quests, bounties, Cannabis Dead drop coming soon!
10x loot, no mechs, full PVP server with 2 PVP no raid sectors, discord bot, welcomepack,100k coins start off, drop zones aka warzones, faction wars, build anywhere except military bunkers and...